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It’s no secret that communication between supply chain partners is crucial for transportation. Having an established communication process between all the parties involved will lead to a successful business where information flows correctly, ensuring company objectives are met.   

Even though we understand the importance of communication, in many cases, these established processes aren’t created, and vital information gets lost in translation.   

How to improve communication with your supply chain partners? 

When tasks aren’t done correctly, data isn’t sent to the right people, and overall expectations are not being met, it usually means there’s a communication issue. Instead of letting the problem get worse, these are some simple ways to overcome communication problems. 

  • Create a communication process 

As mentioned before, having an established communication process is vital. It’s not just about saying it; it’s about creating a written procedure and communicating it internally and externally with your supply chain partners.   

This standardization should include all parts of the communication process between the parties involved. It should consider how to communicate initial meetings with customers, share requirements and commitments with the team, where to place pickup and delivery dates, and a space for any additional information.   

  • Ensure written communication 

Although phone calls are faster than traditional email, it’s essential to have everything in a written format. This will ensure complete accountability during the transportation process. Even if certain people will not read these emails or written communication, it’s vital to have it to ensure that issues are resolved, and information about the established requirements and responsibilities are available. 

  • Clear and simple messaging  

Managing logistics processes can be complex, and, in many cases, communication tends to become difficult to understand as well. Here’s where good, clear, and simple communication is essential. Trying to be as straightforward as possible goes a long way. Turning the complexity into simple tasks will ensure your team members are aware of their responsibilities and your clients understand what needs to be done to execute their delivery. 

  • Communicate with the right people 

Another simple yet effective action is ensuring you’re communicating certain information to the right people who need to be involved. Two things can happen, you can share with too many people or with fewer people than required. In both cases, there will probably be communication gaps. Think about the people that genuinely need to be involved and in what way it’ll affect them to have or not have the information, that way, you’ll be able to decide who needs to be part of that specific communication process. 

  • Integrate technology 

Last but not least, technology. As we all know, technology is now an essential part of the entire supply chain. Therefore, a great way to improve communication is by incorporating technology software between logistics partners. Backend systems within your company and your clients’ companies to ensure information flows between the parties involved.  

Since the transportation and logistics industry is data-driven, integrating all these data points into software that can analyze and speed up the process is essential. Avoiding manual work, in many cases, will ensure more precise data.  


Following these five key actions will help your business enhance its communication process internally and with logistics partners. Improving communication will make your workflow more efficient, and your customer relationships will skyrocket.